Editors and Reviewers Responsibilities
Responsibilities of the Reviewers
Reviewers evaluate article submissions to Sri Lanka Journal of Aesthetic Studies ( SJAS) based
on the requirements of the journal’s predefined criteria and the quality, completeness and
accuracy of the research presented. Reviewers provide feedback on the paper, suggest
improvements and make a recommendation to the editor about whether to accept, reject or
request changes to the article. The ultimate decision always rests with the editor but reviewers
play a significant role in determining the outcome.
Responsibilities of the Editor in Chief
Manuscripts will be critically reviewed by the Editor with appropriate independent referees
drawn from the Editorial Board and other experts. Acknowledgments to other investigators for
advice or data must be substantiated by written authorization specifically granting permission
to authors.
• Approving the publication’s layout, design, style and tone
• Providing suggestions for edits when needed
• Writing editorial pieces to contribute to the publication
• Representing the publication’s editorial team
Responsibilities of the Editorial Board
The Editorial Board is a team of experts in Sri Lanka Journal of Aesthetic Studies ( SJAS) field
who look after the below mentioned areas in order to keep the quality level of the journal.
• Review submitted manuscripts.
• Advise on journal policy and scope.
• Identify topics for special issues, which they may guest edit.
• Attract new authors and submissions.
• Promote the journal to their colleagues and peers.
• Assist the editor(s) in decision making over issues such as plagiarism claims and
submissions where reviewers can’t agree on a decision