April 9, 2020
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Ms. Dharshini Shanmugam
BA (English Literature, Journalism & Psychology) (Bangalore University), MA (English Literature) (Bangalore University, India)
Instructor in English Gr – II
Language Learning Zone
Phone: +94 76 104 4884
Email: dharshinis@esn.ac.lk
- MA in Teaching English as a Second Language (Reading), Open University University of Sri Lanka
- MA in English (First Class), Bangalore University, India (2017)
- BA in English, Psychology, Journalism (Second Class), Bangalore University, India (2015)
- Applied Linguistics
- Educational Psychology
- Technology in English Language Teaching
- Postcolonial writings
- Diasporic writings
- Sri Lankan Writing in English
- Resource Person for Certificate Course in Creative Communicative English at the Extra- Mural Unit, Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. (06.03.2019- to present).
- Resource Person for Certificate Course in Translation Studies Certificate Course in Creative Communicative English at the Extra- Mural Unit, Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. (06.03.2019- to present).
- Academic Sub warden for the Academic Year 2019/2020, Sarasawi Medura Students Hostel, Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Student Counselor for the Academic Year 2018/2019, Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Member, Curriculum Revision Committee, Language Learning Zone, Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies, Eastern University, Sri Lanka (2017-2018).
- Member, Construction Project on ‘Mini Indoor Sports Stadium Planning Committee, Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies, Eastern University, Sri Lanka (2017-2018).
- Member, Printing and Publication Committee, Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies, Eastern University, Sri Lanka (2017-2018).
- Member, Sports Advisory Board, Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies, Eastern University, Sri Lanka (2017-2018).
- Shanmugam, Dharshini (2023), Exploring the Effectiveness of Applying Eclectic Approach in ELT classroom, paper presented at the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research organized by the Eastern University Sri Lanka.
- Shanmugam, Dharshini (2022), Colonial and Postcolonial Diasporic Identities in Kiran Desai’s Inheritance of Loss, Published in A collection of Essays on English Literature, at the Department of Language, Eastern University Sri Lanka.
- Shanmugam, Dharshini (2021), Error correction and feedback techniques in English language Teaching and learning. Paper presented at Rajarata University of Sri Lanka in an International Symposium on English Language Teaching under the title of “Teaching English in the Global Village”
- Shanmugam, Dharshini (2021), The social construction of a father in Usha Priyamvada’s The Homecoming. Journal of Modern Thamizh Research: A quarterly International Multilateral Thamizh Journal, ISSN: 2321-384X.
- Shanmugam, Dharshini. (2020). Nativization of the English language and portrayal of marginalization in C.V. Velupillai’s Born to Labour. Paper presented at the National Symposium on The Role of the Arts in Multicultural Environment, Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies, Eastern University Sri Lanka.
- Shanmugam, Dharshini. (2019). The Stolen Identities of Australian Aboriginal people: traced through selected translation poetry collection “Poovulagai Katralum Ketalum” by Aaliyal. Paper presented at the 08th International Arts Research Symposium on Empowering the Society through Research and Innovation, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka. http://ir.lib.seu.ac.lk/handle/123456789/4126
- Shanmugam, Dharshini. (2018). Gender Inequality in Domestic Sphere and Public Sphere in Sri Lanka. Paper presented at the 03rd International Conference on Globalization, Trincomalee Campus Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Shanmugam, Dharshini. (2018). The reformulation of Koothu performance (The Curse Thrown Upon Shakuntala). Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference (IC SVIAS 2018) on Intangible Cultural Heritages, Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies, Eastern University Sri Lanka.
- Shanmugam, Dharshini. (2017). Resistance songs from Sri Lanka. Paper presented at the YUVA-2017 an Inter-Collegiate Literary and Cultural Fest, PG Department of English, Jain University, Bangalore, India.
- Shanmugam, Dharshini. (2016). Thirukkural in Multiple Translations. Paper presented at the National Level Seminar on Art and Craft of Translation, Jyoti Nivas College, Bangalore University, India.
- Participated in a workshop on Universal Structure of Journal Research Articles conducted by SDC/SVIAS EUSL, 2022
- Participated in a workshop on Use of Google Products and Web Tools for Academic Environment conducted by SDC/SVIAS EUSL, 2021
- Participated in a workshop on Leave Entitlement of University Staff conducted by SDC/SVIAS EUSL, 2021
- Participated in a workshop on Emerging Trends on Online Evaluation System organized by IQAC, P.N. Das College, Palta India, 2020
- Participated in a workshop on “Learning Management System” SVIAS, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2020
- Participated in a workshop on “Fixed Assets Managements and Acconting” SVIAS, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2020
- Participated in a workshop on “Academic and Administration Regulation” Trincomalee campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka 2019
- Participated in a workshop on “Referencing Style in Academic Research” SVIAS, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2019
- Participated in a workshop on “Learning Management System” Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2019
- Participated in a workshop on “Creating Research ID and Uploading Publications” Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2019
- Participated in a workshop on “Local Knowledge for Global Problems: A transcultural approach” in Kandy
- Participated in a workshop on “Theertha Performance Platform” SVIAS, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2019
- Participated in a workshop on “Traditional Music, Dance and Philosophies of Tamils” SVIAS, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2019
- International Undergraduate Scholarship by ICCR, India, to pursue undergraduate degree in Bangalore University, India. From June 2012 to June 2015.
- University Prize for the best performance in Tamil Language in the first semester examination in Bachelor of Arts (Bangalore University).
- Best Actress Award – 2010 for acting in the Nuwara- Eliya Drama Competition, Ministry of Youth Service.